Irish Power Sport 12 pack


If you’re looking for the ultimate in a performance boosting hydrating drink, look no further.

Welcome Irishpower Sport.

Composed of the most essential minerals and vitamins your body needs on a  daily basis, with the added benefits of Electrolytes and BCAA in one bottle.

A sugar free formulated infusion of electrolytes, vitamins, BCAAs, zinc, magnesium, and selenium, Irishpower Sport is the only drink you will ever need.

Irishpower Sport is not only an amazing tasting drink with its sugar free formula of fresh testy lemon and lime raspberry mix, but also has massive benefits to your body.

From performance to taste.

Irishpower Sport has it all delivering the nutritional values you need to perform. Put simply, there is no product like it on the market. Now more than ever there is no need to buy multiple sports powders, multivitamin tablets and electrolytes pouches from supplement shops to get what you need as an athlete.
From children to adults engaged in regular physical activity or sports, Irishpower Sport hydration drink can help replenish electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals that may be lost during physical exertion.

Delivering proper hydration and providing essential nutrients can support healthy development and physical performance in all ages.

From brain fog to feeling sluggish, electrolytes, particularly sodium and potassium, help regulate fluid balancein the body, ensuring that athletes remain properly hydrated during exercise. Adequate hydration is crucial for preventing muscle cramps, maintaining endurance, and supporting overall performance

Research has shown us that adding BCAA to your daily intake can massively decrease muscle soreness after any type of exercise or activity. It has also been shown to aid muscle growth and recovery while reducing exercise fatigue. Studies have shown BCAA to be in the top three supplements digested by athletes around the world.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D in Ireland is extremely important and plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones, skin and teeth. Vitamin D not only helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from your food, but also supports immune function and contributes to overall well-being.

Vitamin B6
Plays a key role in converting food into energy and helps the body metabolise carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Vitamin B6 is important for the synthesism of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are essential for mood regulation. Put simply, Vitamin B6 regulates your mood and contributes to immune function and the production of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12
Is responsible for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. It plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis and supports the production of energy from food. Vitamin B12 is particularly important for athletes as it helps optimise energy levels, promotes cognitive function, and aids in recovery and repair processes.

Selenium is an important trace mineral and acts as a potent antioxidant in the body. It helps neutralise free radicals, which can cause cell damage and contribute to ageing processes. Selenium also supports immune function, helps maintain a healthy thyroid metabolism, and plays a role in reproductive health.

Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral for all athletes. Magnesium regulates electrolyte balance, influences muscle function, muscle relaxation, reduces muscle cramps, improves sleep,
and reduces stress.

Zinc is very important for lots of different reasons and when it comes to athletes, this is mainly down to helping with optimal performance which prevents early
onset fatigue during workouts. Zinc, by binding to insulin, ensures proper glycogen storage which controls the amount of insulin needed to be produced by the pancreas

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